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Coconut Cake

Coconut Cake

₹749.00 नियमित मूल्य
₹199.00बिक्री मूल्य

Naturally Green Coconut Cake Fertilizer 100% wood Cold Processed derivative organic, Rich in nitrogen, phosphorus & micronutrients, traditional soil amendment

  • About the Product :

    • very good choice for gardening plants.
    • Increases water holding capacity of soil.
    • Improves both structure and texture of soil.
    • 100% Natural & organic, which when added to soil enriches it with vital nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium
    • It prevents buds from falling off prematurely. Thus, highly beneficial for flowering, vegetable and fruit plants.
    • Quality of the product is guaranteed and being natural it is completely environment-friendly.
    • Safe for kids and pets to play around plants after the application.
    • It can be used to make liquid fertilizer and as powder. Its compositions will nurture plants naturally
  • Description :

    It is both a fertilizer & a soil amendment ( when added to soil) medium.It’s property is to slowly release nutrients into soil, so that plants can easily absorb.It contains Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium & Micronutrients, which are important for plant health.

    Nitrogen is the most important Nutrient that plants need & is responsible for rapid Plant growth & the green color of plants. Good source of nutrients which helps in plant growth.

    No added chemicals or preservatives. 100% Natural. Made from Marachekku (cold pressed) which is a rich source of protein is indigenously used as cattle feed or manure.




    Instructions for use.


    Soil Fertilizer
    Apply 1 spoon each (directly to soil ) by digging a 1 inch X 1 inch hole in

    soil (1 inch away from the base) & cover it with soil.

    Qty can vary based on the size of each plant.
    Repeat process every week.


    Foliar Fertilizer


    Take 500 gm Naturally Green Fertilizer Cake & soak in 20 litre water for 24 hrs.
    Filter & use as foliar spray for greener & healthier foliage.
    It is recommended to water plants after sunset when it is cooler.
    Repeat process every alternate day.


    Suits all kind of flowering, vegetable and fruit plants


    We endeavor & encourage people to grow their own food & increase green cover by making space for naturally live plants for a healthier, happier and greener life.

    CONGRATS ! NOW your plants are in SAFE GREEN HANDS

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